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Surprising Natural Remedies For Psoriasis

By Mary Spencer

There is not a cure for psoriasis, but fortunately there are many natural remedies for psoriasis that are very effective in treating the condition. Some of these treatments involve placing natural substances directly on your skin. However, consuming natural substances internally should be just as important in your treatment plan. Tackling and controlling your psoriasis outbreak successfully takes effort both internally and externally. Here are some natural treatments you should be following.

Begin with a healthy diet for a variety of reasons. Psoriasis flares up when your immune system stops functioning correctly and begins attacking skin cells. So, because psoriasis starts internally, it is a good idea to repair the damage internally. Follow a healthy diet, as you will discover that this is one of the most effective natural remedies for psoriasis that is usually forgotten by many patients. Include more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, and avoid eating them if they are canned. Eat whole grain foods daily, if you are not already doing so. For your meat sources, eat fish or lean cuts of other meats. Avoid fatty meats. Finally, don't eat foods that commonly cause psoriasis outbreaks, like tomatoes.

It is a common theory that taking supplements helps to heal psoriasis, but this hasn't necessarily been scientifically proven. Nonetheless, try to use supplements in conjunction with a good diet, especially vitamin D, turmeric, fish oil, mild thistle, and evening primrose oil. However, don't take more than the recommended dosage, unless your doctor has directed otherwise. It's also a good idea to use vitamins from a reputable company, since lately the news has publicized that many supplements use fillers that caused some people to have allergic reactions.

Soaking is a great way to loosen psoriasis scales so they can be easily removed, and it also helps to hydrate the skin. Soaking aids in reducing the itching and cleaning the irritated skin. You'll experience a faster recovery if you soak the affected area (or your whole body) for at least 20 minutes every day. Only use warm water that is not too hot to keep from further damaging the skin. There are several natural remedies for psoriasis that you can add to your bath water. Using all of the ingredients is not necessary, so just try a few of them. Here are the most common natural remedies that you can add to a tub of water: oats, vegetable oil, milk, mineral oil, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, baking soda, Dead Sea salt, and Epsom salt. After you soak, it's important to immediately put moisturizer on your skin, as this helps to keep the moisture locked into your skin's pores.

Keep the area affected by psoriasis moisturized as much as you can. This will help your skin from forming plaques. The most popular natural moisturizers are Shea or cocoa butter, because they are so thick. However, other oils are also effective, such as olive oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil, etc. Coconut oil is a wonderful ointment and moisturizer. This is because it is a hydration balancing agent, which helps your skin retain moisture. You might also try using a humidifier to prevent getting dry skin, especially if you live in a dry climate.

We have discussed some of the common natural remedies for psoriasis, but there are many more to try if you still don't find relief. You might consider using a commercial product made entirely with natural ingredients or downloading other recipes of natural remedies to treat the psoriasis.

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