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The Many Benefits Of Consulting A Chiropractor In Fairfax

By Margaret Davis

Everybody experiences pain from time to time. There are people, however, that suffer from severe pain constantly. In many cases their pain makes it very difficult for them to function normally and to enjoy a full life. Some have tried several doctors and different types of medicine, without long term success. Many have give up hope on finding a solution. Luckily, after seeing a chiropractor in Fairfax numerous patients have experienced almost immediate relief.

Many people are under the impression that this treatment focuses on the back and that it is meant only for people with back pain. This is not the case at all. Practitioners concentrate upon the spine, and particularly on the alignment of the spine. They belief that pain is almost inevitably caused when the spine is out of alignment. Their speciality therefore is to align the spine, thereby removing the source of the pain.

Practitioners firmly believe in the natural healing abilities of the body, which is performed by the immune system. They believe that when the spine is ill aligned, pressure, great pressure even, is put upon the nervous network and this causes the immune system to fail. The solution is to remove the source of the problem. This means that once the spine is aligned, the pressure on the nervous system is taken away and the natural immunity can work properly.

Practitioners treat a wide variety of different types of pain. The majority of their patients suffer from back ache, but they have also achieved remarkable results with patients suffering from pain caused by arthritis, neck pain, headaches and sore necks, joints and ligaments. These professionals are also particularly popular with professional athletes and some teams even employ chiropractic specialists.

One of the main benefits of chiropractic treatment is the fact that such treatment is never invasive. Patients therefore do not have to worry about complications such as infections. No drugs are used, either and this means that no patient suffers from side effects so common when using prescription drugs. Practitioners use a wide variety of techniques to treat patients, but all of them focus on the alignment of the spine.

Chiropractic treatment is seen as alternative medicine. Yet a large number of practitioners qualified as medical doctors before they studied this discipline. There is a great deal of mutual respect between the medical and the chiropractic fraternities and patients are often referred by both doctors and chiropractors. Doctors commonly acknowledge that chiropractic treatment has proven to be effective when they could not help.

A large proportion of any consultation with a practitioner consist of advice on how to make sure that the spine remains properly aligned at all times. Patients are taught how to maintain a healthy posture. They are advised on exercise regimes that increase flexibility and that strengthens the muscles. Many patients sleep on poor quality beds and sometimes even small changes in the diet of the patient can make a significant difference.

It is not surprising to learn that chiropractic treatment is showing a steady rise in popularity. Patients want to avoid invasive treatment if they can and they like the fact that chiropractic treatment is covered by their medical insurance. Perhaps it is the fact that the vast majority of patients are satisfied with the result of chiropractic treatment that is making this discipline so popular.

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