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Long Island Mosquito Control Services: What Is LACV?

By David Kellan

Most common in Midwestern and southeastern areas of the United States, La Crosse encephalitis virus is one of the more serious mosquito-borne illnesses in the world. It can be difficult to know if you've been stricken ill, seeing as how bites from these pests take some time to form. With that said, there are ways that you can protect yourself against the risk of LACV. Here's what you should know about it, as well as Long Island mosquito control services.

LACV can happen to anyone, especially teenagers, but it seems the risk increases when outdoor work becomes more prominent. If you're the kind of person that works outdoors, there is a greater possibility that you will fall ill following a mosquito bite. While symptoms usually surface in about a week or so, there are many people that don't feel anything at all. This may be an area of confusion that the likes of Alternative Earthcare can clear up.

While there are many details surrounding LACV, one of the most interesting is that a number of sufferers don't experience symptoms. While there are some that feel headaches, fever, nausea, and the like, others can go through their day-to-day lives completely unaffected. However, LACV has been known to yield more serious signs. Did you know that encephalitis - or inflammation of the brain - can be caused? While it goes without saying, knowing how to prevent LACV is nothing short of important.

LACV cannot be cured through traditional means, but there are ways to keep it at bay. One of the most effective is by hiring a mosquito control Long Island company. After all, this particular company will be able to use their professional services to spray your lawn, thereby keeping mosquitoes away. If you're still concerned about getting bit by bugs, wearing long clothing and only going out during certain times - mosquitoes seem to be more active during the day - can help. Simply put, there are solutions to take advantage of.

LACV is a serious mosquito-borne illness, but this doesn't mean that information is scarce. By contacting your local mosquito control company and researching this topic online, you'll be able to obtain ample information. You can use this information to protect yourself, not only from LACV but a number of other sicknesses brought on by mosquitoes as well. Simply put, knowledge goes a long way.

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