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Get The Scoop On Concussions From Your Tallahassee Chiropractor

By Javier Mcnear

Concussions are one of those things that are mentioned in passing, so people know a little bit about them. Unfortunately, most people don't think they are that serious, which is harmful because they really are quite serious. In case you or someone you care about ever gets one, it is a good idea to at least know the basics and consult a Tallahassee Chiropractor if needed.

A concussion is a form of brain injury that a person can get known as traumatic brain injuries. It is generally caused by a blow that is sustained to the skull, such as is seen in most contact sports. These can include football, boxing, and wresting among others. A concussion sometimes results from bad whiplash during a car accident.

Thankfully, most people who get one make a speedy and full recovery. It is important to note, however, that the symptoms may last up to a few weeks. These can include confusion, disorientation, blurred or otherwise compromised vision, trouble concentrating and temporary loss of memory, among others.

Once you get a concussion, it then becomes much easier for you to get another. Even a slight blow or jarring of the head can cause you to get another one. Once that part of your body is injured, it is much more susceptible, even if you make a complete recovery.

Athletes who play in contact sports like rugby, football and the like are at much more risk than others for these injuries. However, you don't have to be an athlete to suffer from one. If you get into a bike or car accident and hit your head, you may get a concussion. With each new concussion, the symptoms are likely get worse and far more serious.

At least 25% of people who end up with a concussion get assessed by medical personnel. This is potentially very dangerous as a bad head injury can have lasting effects and if further injury happened before full recovery is achieved the damage can be compounded. The same sort of thing happens with repeat concussions.

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