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Learn How To Determine The Extent Of Whiplash With A Chiropractor Dallas GA

By Allan Iacovelli

Neck strains and sprains can happen for many reasons and these injuries are commonly referred to by the inclusive term whiplash. Most people associate whiplash with a car accident. However, the truth is that any sudden blow, jerking, or impact that occurs to the head, neck, or back can snap the head forward and strain the vertebrae of the neck, thus resulting in the sprain or strain.

The abrupt force that results in a whiplash injury may strain the muscles, sprain the ligaments or even displace the vertebrae. The symptoms of all these different kinds of whiplash injury are roughly the same and so are the therapies. Most people, therefore, do not care much about the type of whiplash they have. When they visit a chiropractor Dallas GA residents will find relief from their whiplash symptoms.

It is quite difficult to ignore the pain of a whiplash injury. The symptoms of whiplash injuries include pain that radiates through the muscles of the neck and sudden stiffness to the neck, reducing its range of motion. Stiffness or tightness also occurs in the muscles of the upper back and neck.

There can also be pain when turning the head. This can be either to the left or right or up or down, and stretching the muscles of the jaw area. Tenderness in certain areas of the neck, back, or shoulders when touched or when gentle pressure is applied is a symptom as well.

Headaches might start at the lowest part of the skull and extend towards the jaw and to the front part of the head and can engulf the whole head in worse case scenarios. Many people immediately realize that their neck is hurt. They also realize that everything is not okay.

In some cases, the pain will take a week or a few days before it sets in. It is therefore important for you to immediately visit a Dallas GA chiropractor when injured or involved in a car accident. This applies particularly if you are involved in a car accident or suffer sport related injuries.

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