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Is The CoolSculpting West Virginia Plastic Surgeons Offer Right For You

By Donna Russell

The importance of looking years younger than one actually is has increased dramatically over the past few years. People go to great lengths to achieve a youthful appearance. Both men and women are willing to subject themselves to procedures that plump their skin and erase wrinkles. They are not only concerned about their faces however. Having a body that is toned and sculpted and compliments their rejuvenated facial features is important too. Many find that diet and exercise fail to address the dimpled skin and bulges on legs and torso. Surgery can be effective, but it is also expensive and requires time off to recover. Many WV residents are considering the CoolSculpting West Virginia plastic surgeons offer.

With so many products and procedures on the market today, you need to be careful and make sure whatever you do is safe. This is the only procedure of its kind that is actually approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The goal is to permanently remove fat cells by freezing them. This process kills them, and the body then gets rid of them naturally over time. Once the fat is gone, the body looks more fit, toned, and younger.

One of the things that appeals to a lot of patients is the fact that this procedure is non-surgical and non-invasive. Liposuction requires incisions and anesthetic. Lotions that claim to reduce or eliminate cellulite do not have significant results. While consistent exercise is good and can make a big difference to the look of your body, you may not be able to completely target certain areas to get the toned and fit appearance you want.

Most people lead very busy lives with demanding jobs and active families. This procedure does not interfere with that. There is very little down time. Patients can go back to their regular routine almost immediately. They do not need pain medication afterward. Some patients notice a tingling or pinching sensation during the procedure, and some may experience bruising, redness, and swelling afterward. Any discomfort goes away after a day or two.

Doctors caution that this not a weight loss program. Those who are more than ten or fifteen pounds overweight should seek the advice of a doctor who can direct them to a program that will be more effective for their situation.

Patients shouldn't expect to see immediate results. It will take a few weeks before they see a difference in the mirror. The real change will become apparent in about three months when all the fat cells have been eliminated and the body redefines itself. The dead fat cells will not regenerate, but if you don't exercise and gain weight, you may find yourself back in the same condition as before the procedure.

If you are a healthy person over the age of eighteen, this procedure can work for you. It doesn't matter what kind or color of skin you have, how old you are, or whether you are male or female.

While this procedure is safe and non-surgical, you should make sure the medical professional offering the service is certified and experienced. There is little risk involved, but you may want to consult your personal physician before proceeding.

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