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Tips To Address A Yeast Infection And Get Back To Your Life

By Sarina Levine

Almost every woman, at one time or another, has had to deal with a yeast infection. Chances are that you have suffered from one yourself. Whether you have suffered with a yeast infection or not, it is very important to be aware of the symptoms and how to deal with them. You will find some great techniques to deal with your next yeast infection.

Cinnamon is a wonderful herb that can help reduce the effects of infection if you happen to catch a yeast infection. You can sprinkle a little amount of cinnamon on many different things, whether you are using it on a meal or dessert to help reduce the chances of infection in your body.

One tip that you should follow after you go to the bathroom is to always wipe from the front side to the back side to prevent the spread of bacteria. Follow this technique to prevent any spread of bacteria, which is one of the main causes of yeast infections forming in your body.

If you have regular yeast infections, find out if you have an overall yeast infection. The bacteria that causes yeast infections, Candida albicans, can be a sign of a systemic infection in your body. Symptoms of a systemic Candida infection include a white-coated tongue and a diminished immune system. Get tested by your doctor to find out for sure.

If you want to prevent yeast infections, you need to be careful of the products that come into contact with your vagina. Feminine sprays, bubble baths, and scented soaps can all irritate the area inside the vagina and increase the chance of a yeast infection. Anything that is scented or dyed should not come into contact with the vagina.

To help in the prevention of yeast infection, be sure to wear cotton undergarments. Other materials, such as nylon and rayon, hold moisture in, providing an ideal environment for yeast to grow. Cotton stays drier, and keeps moisture away, making the skin less vulnerable to the growth of yeast.

As much as you may enjoy taking hot baths, they could be causing your yeast infections. The organisms that cause yeast infections prefer warm and even hot environments. If you want to take a bath, try to take a warm one and do not stay in there for too long.

Indulge in a nightly bath that includes cider vinegar (two cups). You can reduce the growth of yeast in your system with the vinegar that balances your pH level. Don't stay in the tub for too long. You could also try a douche with 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and one quart water if you prefer that.

Eat yogurt and garlic. Garlic helps to improve your immune system defense against infections. Search out the garlic supplement pills in your pharmacy, supermarket or health store; try to get a deoderized type. Add 2 cups of live culture, sugar free yogurt to your diet every day to help cure or prevent a yeast infection.

Acidophilus is a good type of bacteria found in many types of yogurt. Eat yogurt often to help combat yeast infections. There is bacteria in yogurt that keep yeast infections from occurring. However, eating yogurt won't cure an existing infection.

Treat a mild yeast infection with plain, unsweetened yogurt. You can freeze yogurt in tampon applicators or the fingers of rubber gloves to make easy-to-insert and soothing suppositories. You can also use a syringe to apply the yogurt. Wear a maxi pad with this treatment to keep the mess to a minimum.

Eat yogurt daily in order to prevent yeast infections. The healthy bacteria contained in yogurt helps your body to ward off a build-up of yeast. Eating yogurt on a regular basis enables your system to kill the fungus that causes yeast infections. If you already have a yeast infection, you can eat yogurt or even apply plain yogurt topically to help soothe the symptoms.

Drinking apple-cider vinegar should help your body fight the yeast infection. If you cannot stand the strong taste, mix the vinegar in some water and add sugar to it. Do not apply apple-cider vinegar directly to your skin: even though it will efficiently treat your yeast infection, it will worsen the burning sensation.

To help combat a yeast infection, use yogurt. The good bacteria in yogurt can help you find relief from a yeast infection, either eaten or applied externally. Just be sure to get yogurt that is plain and unsweetened. Any variety with sugar is only going to make the condition worse.

Avoid the one-day yeast infection treatments available over the counter. Instead, try a five- or seven-day treatment. The medications in the single dosage kits are often very strong, and they may lead to further stinging and irritation, on top of that caused by the infection itself. The multi-day treatments are less potent and less likely to be irritating.

When you have the information you need to battle a yeast infection, you are more comfortable with the idea because you understand what is really going on and how you can stop the infection from spreading. Use the tips in this article to help you cope in a better way with a yeast infection.

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