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The Effect Of Head Position In Sleep Apnea

By Janet Green

Sleep apnea is a condition in which there is transient cessation if breathing while sleeping. There are three subtypes that have been identified. They include obstructive, central and complex types. The obstructive subtype is the commonest and is associated with excessive relation of throat muscles. The central type is caused by failure of the brain to send the signals necessary for the respiratory muscles to contract and relax. Several studies on head position in sleep apnea have been carried out.

Among the findings that have come out from various studies is the fact that there is a significant difference in the pattern of air flow between the vertical and horizontal head orientation. While lying supine, breathing has to overcome the effect of gravity. In this orientation, the tissues in the soft palate and the uvula fall back into the throat and cause obstruction. This effect is even greater during sleep because of generalized muscular relaxation.

Snoring is a common symptom of apnea. It has been identified as resulting from the vibration of relaxed tissues in the respiratory tract. If the restriction to air is too much, there complete cessation of breathing and one has to wake up to restore their breathing pattern. It is worth noting that snoring is not always present and so a diagnosis of the condition will be based on other signs and symptoms. Such include difficulties in paying attention when one is awake, morning headaches and increased sleepiness.

In a study published in 2017 it was shown that head position while asleep does indeed influence the severity of obstructive sleep apnea, OSA. In the 26 subjects studied, a less severe form of the condition was seen when they switched sleeping positions from supine (face up) to lateral (left or right). The reduction was only demonstrated in non-obese subjects while there was no significant change among those that were obese.

The position in which an individual sleeps may not be very easy to determine. Left on its own, the body will find the most comfortable position and will keep making adjustments throughout the night. To achieve a particular head orientation, therefore, requires a deliberate effort. There are several suggestions that have been advanced.

One of the solutions that have been proposed in maintaining sleeping position is the memory or contoured pillow. Such a pillow maintains its shape throughout the course of sleep thus also maintains the orientation of the body . This is in contrast to ordinary pillows that tend to change shape from time to time. Contoured pillows also assist with keeping the neck and spine in place.

Another solution that may be considered is what is termed the tennis ball T-shirt. This is a simple solution in which an ordinary T-shirt is has a tennis ball sewn at the back into a patch. The T-shirt is worn at night such that it causes discomfort in the wearer when they lie on their back. This makes them to readjust to the lateral orientation making it easier for them to breath and thus reduce the likelihood of apneic attacks.

Adopting an appropriate sleeping position is vital in the management of sleep apnea when used on its own or alongside other measures. The method is, however, only effective for the obstructive type and not the central central and complex types. If you suspect to be suffering from this condition, you will be well advised to see a physician for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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