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What You Need To Know About Lasik San Antonio TX

By Joseph Collins

LASIK stands for laser in-situ keratomileusis and is a very popular surgery that is used for correction of vision in persons that are farsighted, near-sighted or those suffering from astigmatism. When it comes to vision correction using lasers, it works by reshaping the cornea which is the front part of the eye that is clear. This will be such that light traveling through it is well focused onto the retina that is at the back. In considering Lasik San Antonio TX residents need to know what the procedure involves.

There are many benefits of the procedure. Most importantly, it is effective and helps around 96 percent of patients that use it. They will get desired vision. It is also almost painless, which makes it desirable for many. There will be no need for stitches or bandages. Years after the procedure, adjustments can be made to further correct vision as one ages. After the treatment, many patients will not need to use glasses or contact lenses.

The procedure has some downsides too. One is that the procedure is technically complex. On rare occasions, problems might occur when the doctor is creating flaps. This might end up affecting your vision for good. It is therefore important that you choose a very reputable and experienced surgeon. It is also possible that one may lose their best vision though this is rare. Best vision refers to highest degree of vision you can achieve when you have glasses or contact lenses on.

Before your surgery, it is important to organize a meeting with the surgeon to discuss expectations and the results before and after. In that session, there will be evaluation of your medical history as the eyes are also examined. Tests like measuring the cornea thickness and refraction will be done. There is also a test to check air pressure and dilation of the pupils. It is also at this time that you can share any concerns with the surgeon.

For those who wear gas permeable contacts, they will have to avoid wearing them for a minimum three weeks prior to evaluation. As regards other types of contacts, one is required to stop wearing them three days before evaluation. You will be asked not to wear any eye makeup and to avoid bulky hair accessories that may interfere with positioning of the head. In case you are not well on the morning of the procedure, the doctor needs to know.

During surgery, there is the use of a microkeratome which creates a thin flap in the cornea. There is then backward peeling of the cornea flap, a process that is painless. The tissues beneath will be reshaped through the use of another laser. After they have been reshaped to focus light into the retina as required, the flap can be taken back to place to end the surgery.

After treatment is done, the eyes will temporarily be dry. However, they will not feel that way. There are eye-drops that are prescribed so that infections or inflammation are prevented. They keep eyes moist. The drops cause slight burning feeling in the eyes.

Healing occurs very fast. Your vision might be hazy during the first day but most patients will notice improved vision after a couple of days. There is evaluation by the doctor after 24 to 48 hours.

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