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The Rolfing Therapy San Diego Method Of Structural Integration Verses Trade

By John Hayes

Have you ever heard the saying six one way, half a dozen the other? One of my most influential mentors used to say this to me all the time as a child when I would ask questions about something that was essentially the same. Have a look at the going article taking us through the topic the rolfing therapy san diego method of structural integration verses trade.

I remember it driving me so crazy hearing this answer over and over as a young child. Then one day it clicked. I asked a question and he gave me the same six one way, half a dozen the other answer and I looked at him and he smiled. I smiled as it finally made sense. As we work very hard to bring Structural Integration out of the mystical mountains and into the forefront, people can often be confused by what this analysis is being called.

A standard Deep Tissue massage session is usually a one hour, full body treatment. The results are immediate, and there is not a required specific number of sessions. The amount of sessions recommended really depends on the wants/needs of the client. The strategy of therapeutic process is determined by the client's reports of symptoms of pain or stress.

Not only does Joe public not really know much about Structural Integration or Rolfing but the medical community is in the same spot as Joe public. So how can we clear up this confusion of terms? It is a trademarked and reserved term for practitioners of the Structural Integration that have graduated from the Rolf Institute.

After a complete series of Structural Integration, some clients return, after a waiting period of three to six months, for tune-up sessions that help to maintain the benefits of the body being better balanced and alleviating discomfort from emerging deeper issues. What distinguishes the Structural Integration from Deep Tissue massage is not necessarily the medium in which we work, but the goal of our work - which is to reshape and reorganize the human structure.

Spinal alignment isn't the only benefit to this either. Patients report benefits to their blood pressure, and a drop in their body weight. The can achieve over a couple of sittings what yoga, physical treatment or anything else rarely achieve. And yet, it is seen not as an entirely new kind of treatment.

They go to find another Rolfer to receive continued care but none can be found because there may not be any Rolfers in that particular city. It is possible that their Rolfer never referred to the work as Structural Integration, the actual name for the process, and the person does not know what to do. In this new city there may be Structural Integrators though, but the person does not know that this Structural Integrator has been taught and practices the same thing as their Rolfer.

We are now in a period of time where we have many great schools that are teaching some derivative of the Rolf Method of Structural Integration. Most schools refer to their graduates as Structural Integrators, but a few may have their own label or term. A good example of a language issue can be seen when we look at automobiles or cars. I remember my best friend's family and how they referred to their cars.

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