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Pointers That Your Chino Dental Officer May Point Out For Your Tooth Sensitivity

By Martha Lee

Dental health and hygiene are important and one should take necessary precautions and care to ensure they are healthy. When you tooth becomes sensitive it is a sign that you have a problem and you many need to visit the dentist. Tooth loss is also painful and with the needed care and precaution were taken one may avoid the painful nuisance. The following are pointers your Chino dental officer may give you as a patient.

You are brushing with a lot of gusto. At times, a sensitive tooth is brought by using a hard-bristled toothbrush or brushing with too much force. Over time when you continue brushing in this manner it destroys the layers that safely protect your teeth, thus exposing your canals and hollow tubes to the nerves. When the tubes are open to burning, acidic, cold or pasty foods the discomfort and tooth sensitivity results. The solution is mainly switching to a soft bristled toothbrush.

Consuming acidic foods. Especially in cases where the pathways to your nerves are exposed taking acidic foods can cause a lot of pain. Thus, in such cases, it is crucial that you switch o foods which are non-acidic so as to soothe the pain.

In situations where you grind your teeth, you are likely to be a victim of tooth tenderness. Crushing your teeth will lead to the weakening of the outer coverage of the teeth though it is the toughest matter in the body. As a result, this uncovers the dentin, which is the center part of the tooth and holds the void pipes which are direct to the nerves

Using too many teeth whitening toothpaste. Most manufacturers put too many chemicals to the tooth whitening toothpaste formulas. To some people, the chemical substances cause sensitivity. Thus, where the toothpaste is the cause of the problem it is crucial that you consider switching to another option.

In addition, the mouthwash you use could cause the same problem the toothpaste is. Some of the mouthwashes bought over the counter could contain a large amount of alcohol and chemical content which is harmful to your teeth a bit causes sensitivity. In the situation that your dentin is already exposed you should consider changing to another product that is more alkaline and neutral

In the event that you have gum disease or gum problems seek the advice or visit a dentist. Gum disease is common and especially with age and thus affects your general dental health. If the problem does not go consult a dentist who will suggest the bets procedure to deal with the problem.

Where you have extreme plaque. The main reason for brushing and flossing is to eliminate the excessive plaque that builds up once you take food. Excessive plaque builds up will eat and wear your enamel. Consequently, you will experience sensitivity when your enamel wears off as it loses protection. Thus, it is essential that you frequently see your dentist for washings to mitigate the chances of excess plaque build-up.

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