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When Attending A Walk In Clinic Mansfield TX Patients Can Expect Basic Health Care

By Ronald Stevens

Sooner or later most people develop diseases, sustain injuries or simply do not feel well. In such cases many people will simply make an appointment with their doctor and get the medical treatment that they need. For many others, however, this is not an option. They cannot afford private medical care yet they need treatment. Luckily, there is hope for these people. At a walk in clinic Mansfield TX patients can expect free or very cheap medical attention.

Walking in medical facilities can be found almost everywhere. Some pharmacies offer such facilities within their premises and many charities also offer similar services. In the United States there are currently more than eleven thousand such facilities in nine thousand different locations. As the name of these facilities indicate, patients can simply report for treatment. No appointments are necessary and no patients are refused.

Those that cannot afford private health care should familiarize themselves with the location of suitable facilities close to them. It is important to take note that not all facilities offer the same services. There are urgent care facilities that will only provide emergency treatment. This is the most common type of walking in facility. Retail facilities, on the other hand, provide a wide variety of treatments for common ailments, vaccinations and minor injuries.

Many people find these facilities helpful because they are situated almost everywhere and they are either free of charge or they charge a minimal fee. In most cases a patient will not have to travel more than ten miles to such a facility. Another benefit is the fact that many of them are open twenty four hours a day and every day of the week, including public holidays.

These facilities have been the target of very severe criticism. Patients often have to wait for long periods before they can be attended to, simply because nobody has an appointment. Most facilities deal with long queues of people every day and health care workers spend the minimum amount of time with each patient. This almost certainly have an influence on the quality of treatment offered.

Another drawback is that, in general, only urgent care facilities boast an attending physician. Most retail facilities are staffed by nurses. This means that the level of treatment on offer is severely limited. The absence of a qualified doctor also means that the medication available to patients is limited to non prescription drugs. In this circumstances many patients with more serious ailments and injuries cannot be treated properly.

Another major drawback of walking in facilities is the fact that the medical history of the patient is not kept or available. Private health are professionals depend on such records when they treat their patients. The patient history provides information about previous treatment, medication used in the past and data regarding important factors such as blood pressure. Without this history proper treatment is unlikely.

Despite the criticism levelled at these facilities, the fact remains that many people simply cannot afford private medical care. Walking in facilities, at the very least, can provide treatment for minor ailments and injuries, vaccinations and an evaluation of symptoms. For many people this is better than having no access to medical treatment at all.

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