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Castle Rock Sciatica Issues Are Helped With Chiropractic Therapy And Professional Advice

By Darcy Gautreau

The condition known as sciatica is a symptom, not a disease. The sufferer feels it as pain in the back, hip and one leg. It happens when an intervertebral disc compresses one of the nerve roots located in the spinal column. Whether standing or sitting down, the pain is excruciating. Victims turn to a leading Castle Rock Chiropractor for a way to alleviate that pain.

The herniated disc is the single most common cause. It may also be a spastic muscle. This lies deep in the buttocks and when tight, it can irritate the sciatic nerve. Less common are spinal stenosis or spondylolistheses.

During your first office appointment, a medical history is taken and a physical exam performed. The spine is palpated. One test used is the straight-leg-raise-test. An x-ray is done. A discussion on the pain is next. You are questioned about when it started and how it limits your life.

The assessment will indicate whether you have a subluxated vertebra or not. If you do, a series of manual adjustments can be scheduled to correct it. The small bone will gradually be returned to its original position on the spine.

Through the administration of manual adjustments to those bones, the pressure is lifted and the pain reduced. Restoring flexibility is secondary only to alleviating hurt. Limited bed rest is advised, either on a firm mattress or the floor. An exercise routine might be customized to fit the individuals needs.

Practicing them at home between office appointments will advance your recovery. Stretches will assist in restoring flexibility. An aerobic exercise can be as easy as walking. Later on, you will be able to manage more strenuous activities.

Chiropractic care is ideal for the individual who wants to avoid both pain medication and the use of surgery. With adjustments, exercise, and massage, the pain can be reduced to a tolerable level. The ways to avoid trauma to the back in the future can be taught.

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