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Important Details About Cataract Surgery San Antonio TX

By Frank Gray

Cataract procedure refers to the procedure whereby the eye lens are removed and replaced with artificial ones. The lens are ideally supposed to be very clear but cataracts cause them to be cloudy. Affecting vision in the process. It is a procedure performed by an ophthalmologist on an outpatient basis. This implies patients do not have to stay in the hospital after treatment. In consideration of cataract surgery San Antonio TX residents should know what the procedure involves.

Cataracts might bring about blurry vision and increase the glare from lights. In the event that cataracts make it hard to perform normal activities, the best option may be to opt for surgery. In case the condition does not allow you to do daily activities, the way out would be to go for surgery. For instance, in case the doctor cannot examine the back of the eye because of cataracts, they will suggest the surgical procedure.

It is possible that there will be complications during or after the surgical procedure. Most of these are however treatable. Among the possible risks include bleeding, inflammation, glaucoma and vision loss. Risk of complications will be greater in those with eye diseases or chronic ailments. On some occasions, treatment fails to solve the underlying issues owing to underlying eye damage. Underlying issues include glaucoma or macular degeneration.

It is important to prepare for the treatment. One of the preparations involves undergoing tests. Some one week before surgery the doctor will perform painless ultrasound tests so as to measure shape and size of the eye. It will help in determining what lens to use. Doctors may also advise that patients stop taking certain medications which can increase risk of bleeding during treatment. As such, patients are expected to disclose to the doctor any medications they may be taking.

In order to minimize infections, eye drops will be used. Doctors might prescribe antibiotic eye drops that are used two days after treatment. In some cases, patients are supposed to refrain from eating or drinking 12 hours before their surgery. After the surgical procedure, you may have to refrain from some activities. For instance, you will not be required to undertake any activities involving bending and lifting. These should be avoided for two weeks or so.

Almost all patients that undergo eye cataract surgical procedure will be given some artificial lens called intraocular lens. The removal of cataracts is done using several techniques. The first involves use of ultrasound probe to break up the lens being removed. The surgeon will make a tiny incision within the cornea before inserting a probe into the lens. Cataracts are broken by the probe. In order to close the incisions, stitches might be used.

The second procedure is whereby an incision is made within the eye and the lens removed as a single piece. It might require a larger incision because the lens is removed as one piece. Thereafter, an artificial lens is implanted within the empty capsule.

After the surgical procedure is done, vision starts to improve after a couple days. In the earlier stages, vision will be blurry as eyes adjust. Some colors will look brighter during the earlier stages. Arising complications during recovery should be reported to the doctor.

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