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How To Make A Bipolar Romance Novel Biography

By John Turner

When you already have the novel plot in mind, you will need to start forming the characters as soon as possible. So, simply use this article as your guide in this aspect. Flawlessly create personalities that the public will learn to love and hate at the same time. Let your work be something that people from all ages shall be able to relate With.

You would have to introduce new challenges to every chapter of the story. A bipolar romance novel biography is expected to be dynamic. Thus, show how the protagonist would be able to deal with his condition. In that way, individuals who are in the same situation shall be convinced of giving your book a chance.

Put some sense of responsibility into that character. Remember that he did not choose to have varied emotions all of a sudden. Show the human side in there and you are guaranteed of a bigger target market. You shall be surprised of the quantity of individuals who would admit that they have to juggling with conflicting emotions everyday.

Let this person be protective in nature. See how that would create a huge conflict simply because being bipolar means that you can still hurt the people you love the most. So, let the character experience all the guilt and decide to become a better person everyday. It would be a tough journey but this is what can make your book worth it.

Positivity should be present in the role that you are playing. Do not let your work be mostly about suffering. Give hope to others that they can stay on top of their swaying moods. Plus, mention the things which you say to yourself to get through everyday. Show vulnerability in your lines and you are already targeting the world of social media.

A passionate love story is what will draw more people to your book signing events. Show how love can grow from something innocent to a destructive kind. Give your viewers with a slice of reality and they shall appreciate your take on the truth. As they save, deciding to be partners with somebody will never be a bed of roses.

Do not allow the protagonist to be a loner. That is already too much on the plate of one person alone. Point out some good sides of this individual as well and critics will be amazed of how well you placed things together like it is your own life.

The integrity of the character can be challenged but you need to always have a solution for everything. Most people love happy endings and if you are able to provide them with that, you shall start becoming their favorite author. So, simply continue developing your style.

What is important is that you stick with the original theme. Challenge yourself to form a piece that is different from everything which you have read in the past. Have something to be completely proud of after months of hard work and you shall not mind doing it all over again. Become a full time writer.

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