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Marijuana Users Insurance Tips Offered By Bucks County Insurance Company

By Malinda Klosterman

Firms that offer health policies conduct medical examinations to assess how healthy an applicant is. These tests basically include blood and urine tests which are analyzed for illegal substances such as marijuana. For this reason, most marijuana smokers do not like the idea of applying for Bucks county health insurance for the sole reason of getting prosecuted. The truth is that, in case you are one, you are still eligible if you followed the following clear-cut tips.

Bear in mind that one is shielded by law thanks to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPPA) act that makes sure there is no violation of your privacy as well as trust at any time. This is very helpful because you can rest assured that you are not on a collision course with the law despite being a marijuana smoker.

In the past, marijuana smokers were at an enormous disadvantage of being eligible for such a cover. Fortunately, nowadays there are firms that offer this even after an individual is tested positive for marijuana. This essentially means that however the result turns out, one is assured that that there is a way forward.

The extent of marijuana use plays a pivotal role in determining the premium rates of your policy. Should you be a frequent user, it might be an uphill task to enjoy the benefits of a comprehensive package such as a wide range of coverage as well as affordability. A non-user will in most cases pay less than one who smokes marijuana.

If you smoke marijuana as a form of recreation, make an effort to leave this practice before the policy application. This is because marijuana is still present in the body for a period ranging between 4 to 8 weeks depending on factors such as the rate of metabolism. Ceasing to use it for 3 months increases the likelihood of becoming eligible.

Most people think that smoking marijuana means they cannot get a health policy. This is not the case, and all they need to do is to be informed on how to go about it. Obeying the above recommendations is advised.

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