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Facts About Zerona Therapy In Long Island

By Anita Ortega

Fat is one thing that most people do not like to have. People tend to look at themselves in the mirror and wish that their clothes would fit them the way they are supposed to. However, there is a new fat burning procedure that can reduce unwanted body weights for you. Provided below are some of the things that you should know about Zerona therapy in long Island to gauge whether it is right for you.

This therapy targets the stubborn fats that are difficult to get rid of. The fat cells are emptied in approximately twenty minutes. This cause millions of fat pockets to become smaller and this reduces inches of the hips, thighs, bra-line, waists, chin, arms, neck, back, buttocks, tummy and love handles.

Zerona is a therapy that uses Erchonia laser scanner, which allows light energy to penetrate the human skin and target the pockets of fats. The treatment causes these cells to release triglycerides, which is basically glycerol, water and free fatty acids. These are emptied into the lymphatic system where they are eliminated through detoxification methods.

A single therapy session will last for approximately forty minutes and no anesthetic is require. The physician will just place the laser device on the body part that you want to target. After this first period, the device will be directed on another part of your body because both the front and the back need this therapy.

A complete treatment procedure takes approximately two weeks. However, for you to get optimum results, it is advisable that you enroll for a full program. You will require three forty minute sessions every day for two weeks. However, the sessions should not differ by over 72 hours.

You will be required to take a not less than eight glasses of water every day in the course of treatment. You will also be required to create a healthy diet plan and undertake thirty minutes of exercise every day. You should also abstain from coffee and alcohol as the contents of these beverages may affect the normal lymphatic process in your body.

There are few known risks that are associated with this medical procedure. This is because this treatment process is non-invasive and it utilizes cold output laser. The only anticipated risk with using laser devices is that continuous exposure to the laser light can damage the eyesight. However, your doctor will provide you with protective eyewear.

Most people love this procedure for many reasons. During treatment, you will not feel any discomfort or pain and the patient will not even feel the laser. No surgery is performed; therefore, there are no scars that the patient will get after therapy. In addition, the client will notice that they will lose the weight, but not a whole lot.

After the therapy sessions, you will continue with your normal living activities. You will not experience any form of swelling, discomfort, pain or tenderness. Lots of research have been done to confirm the safety of this medical technique. The above facts will help you determine whether this procedure is good for you or not.

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