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Top Rated Ophthalmologist Bethesda Lists Down Habits That Endanger Your Eye Health

By Pamela Rogers

The majorities of people take good eyesight for granted until vision problems rear their ugly heads. Although some vision concerns are hereditary and others are triggered by factors that are beyond your control, there are basic steps that can help increase your chances of enjoying a lifetime of optimum eye health. When searching for a dependable ophthalmologist Bethesda is an ideal place to begin your research.

There are certain habits you must avoid for you to protect your eyes from vision problems. To begin with, you should avoid spending hours staring at a screen. Phones, computers and tablets strain the eyes thanks to the blue light and the tiny fonts. This can reduce tear production and the normal blink rate and in return cause issues like blurry vision as well as dry or tired eyes.

According to top rated eye doctors, screen time is a leading cause of nearsightedness and it can also lead to permanent damage of your retina, especially if you spend hours staring at computers over a prolonged period. If using gadgets is a must, consider investing in computer glasses. They cut the glare and mitigate the effects of the blue light.

Redness reducers can come in handy if you want to quickly treat bloodshot eyes. Your eyes can turn red because of poor sleep, the summer heat, stress, irritants like dust or even eye dryness. Over dependency of quick solutions for treating redness can cause more problems in the future. With time, your eyes will not have the ability to compensate for the use of redness reducers.

It is good practice to wear sunglasses in order to protect your eyes from the damaging rays of the sun. Usually, the sun still produces harmful rays even when it is cloudy or even snowy. Wearing prescription glasses or eyewear brands that provide UV protection is always a smart thing to do.

Safety goggles are without debate hideous. Even so, they do an excellent job of protecting your eyes from irritants and injuries. If you are doing home improvements, using the lawn mower or handling a task that involves using chemicals, you should do yourself the favor of wearing your safety goggles. Also use the eyewear at all times in your workplace if you constantly handle elements that are potentially hazardous to the eyes.

Using old makeup can still make you look spruced up. However, make up that is more than three months old is likely to cause you more harm than good. In fact, it can trigger eye infections and vision problems. While it is tempting not to throw away your old, expensive cosmetics, using them can leave you spending more money when treating infections.

It remains imperative for you to know when it is time to visit your ophthalmologist. It pays to schedule for consultation the instance you experience changes in your vision that affect your ability to drive, read or cook without any trouble. Additionally, seek treatment of you suffer from eye pains, dryness or redness. A competent practitioner can provide reliable diagnosis and treatment of a range of eye problems.

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