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Choosing The Right Hair Extensions Palm Beach Fl

By Thomas Wilson

If it is the first time that you are getting hair extensions, you might find that there are many different options available to you. With such a variety available it might not always be simple to find the right ones for you. For this reason you should always do some research prior to deciding on hair extensions Palm Beach Fl.

Hair extensions typically come in to varieties. The first of these is synthetic and the second is human hair. Synthetic has a glossiness that is achieved by adding silicone coating to the hair. One of the major disadvantages of synthetic hair is that you are not able to style it at high temperatures and the hair cannot be dyed.

Real human hair tends to be a little bit more expensive but this is because it is much better quality. Not only does it last longer, it can also be colored and styled with heat from straighteners and hairdryers. Human hair extensions also have a much more natural look and tend to blend in with your own hair a lot better. While synthetic hair can last roughly 3 months, human hair extensions have a life span of between 6 to 12 months.

Once you've decided on the type of hair you would like, you will be faced with the different types of extensions available. The types available are micro bead which is also referred to as micro link or loop extensions, weave hair extensions, tape and finally pre-bonded or fusion hair extensions. All of these extensions come with their own pros and cons.

Micro Link extensions are fitted to your own hair by means of looping the hair through a metal ring and then clamping it shut. The metal beads or rings can become loose causing your hair to slip up or down the hair shaft over time. There is also a risk that these extensions can cause hair breakage due to the process used when having them fitted.

The next option you have a weave extensions. While these are suitable for most hair types, they are a great option for those with thicker hair. This is because you can easily hide the extensions within your thick locks. The stylist will braid your hair into cornrows and then weave the extensions into place with a needle and thread. If the braids are too tight it can cause strain on your scalp as well as itching.

One of the quickest and easiest types of extensions to put in are tape extensions. These extensions are often lower quality and can be quite visible if not styled correctly. Your stylist will apply them by wedging the taped side in between your own hair. They are usually chosen to be worn over shorter periods as they can be visible when tying your hair up.

Fusion or pre bonded extensions are another popular choice because they can be well hidden. Due to the fact that they are applied your hair using adhesives, there is a great risk of causing damage to your hair during application and removal of the extensions. If cared for properly they can last for up to 6 months however it can take 4 hours or more to have them put in.

If you are considering hair extensions, it is best to speak to your local salon who will be able to provide you with the right advice. They will to take a look at your hair and recommend the best types of extensions that will not cause too much damage. This will leave you more confident that you have chosen hair extensions that are suitable for your hair type and lifestyle needs.

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