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A Few Concepts Concerning A General Surgeon Russellville Ar Residents May Find Interesting

By Jeffrey Sullivan

A career in medicine, or surgery for that matter, is one filled with respect and admiration given the focus that goes into training and practice. Surgery as a whole deals with making incisions on the human body in order to correct an anomaly. For one to become a general surgeon, they have to undergo basic undergraduate training in medicine and surgery before advancing to specialization. These are some of the key facts about a general surgeon Russellville ar residents may find worthwhile.

Even though they are referred to as general surgeons, they may not be as general as the lay person may tend to think. Theirs is a specialty in its own right. These surgeons have special knowledge and skill in matters to do with the breast, some endocrine glands and the gastrointestinal.

The kidneys, urinary tract and male reproductive system are a preserve of urologists. The female reproductive system is mainly taken care of by obstetricians and gynecologists. Additional specialist areas include the heart, lungs, head and neck. As delicate as it is, the head and neck requires more than one specialist. The ear, nose and throat are treated by an otolaryngologist while the brain is handled by neurosurgeons.

General surgeons are mainly interested in the part of the alimentary canal that starts from the stomach to the rectum and anus. The region above the stomach is usually a preserve of cardio-thoracic surgeons because of its close relationship to the heart and respiratory tract. The canal can be affected by various conditions that need correction through a surgical procedure .

Abnormalities that this group of surgeons strives to correct in the gastrointestinal system include benign tumors, malignant tumors, congenital disorders and peptic ulcer disease, PUD. Even peptic ulcers are usually managed medically, they require surgical intervention in the event of perforation. Intervention in this case should happen so soon as possible because exposing gastric contents to unfamiliar territory in the body can be life threatening to the patient. Malignant tumors need to be staged first to ascertain the extent of neoplastic cells before a plan for surgery is made and executed.

There are certain congenital malformations in the alimentary canal that need that call for the service of a general surgeon for correction. One of the commonest anomalies is imperforate anus. In this case, the exit to the canal is obstructed by extra tissue occupying the area. As a result, the child is unable to pass stool. Other conditions where obstruction is involved include intussusception and sigmoid volvulus.

Organs related to the gastrointestinal system include the appendix, liver and pancreas. The appendix commonly gets disease as a result of inflammation and the definitive treatment is appendectomy, in which case the organ is removed. The pancreas can also get inflamed for one reason or another. All these organs may also harbor tumors which need to be corrected through surgical operations.

Finally, the parathyroid gland, thyroid gland and the breast are also an interest in general surgery. With enlarged thyroid glands, the patient typically presents with a swelling on the front side of the neck. The individual can also have difficulty swallowing speaking and even breathing when the goitre is a massive one. Evidently, general surgeons definitely have their work cut out for them. It is not surprising that they have to take years in training for them to qualify as specialists.

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