Hormonal treatment does not act the same for all the clients. For some, several trials are done before knowing the best method for them. Estrogen is packaged in various forms at the pharmacies. Some of the forms are nasal sprays, pills or tablets that are taken orally, gels and also patch that are applied on thighs and belly areas. Vaginal creams on hormone therapy La Jolla, CA work to wet it and reduce symptoms of pain during copulation.
Most women are treated with estrogen. Some have their uterus in place. They are supposed to add progesterone to their prescription to lower the risks of having endometrial cancer. They are also packaged in different forms in market like pills, patches, injections and the vaginal creams. The treatment is supposed to be in cycles. Estrogen is taken daily for a period of twenty five days. Progesterone is added during the tenth to the fourteenth days. For the remainder days, estrogen is taken. The remaining days are free days without treatment.
It is the duty of the patient in collaboration of with the doctor to establish whether this remedy is good for the client. The doctor should put into consideration the uniqueness of each woman and their full medical history before going ahead to prescribe this treatment. Short term usage of the remedy at low doses is deemed safe for the patient.
The medical practitioners have known for a long period that estrogen increases risk of getting blood clots. The risk increases when you have been prescribed to take higher doses of estrogen. The smokers have increased risk. It is not higher for clients who make use of estrogen patches.
Hormonal treatment involves use of just one or more of the hormones found in females commonly progestin, estrogen and sometimes even testosterone in treatment of signs and symptoms experience due to menopause stage in life. These include decreased desire for sex, sleep disorders, mood swings, vaginal dryness and hot flashes. The remedy is in forms of a ring, tablet, vaginal cream, injection, patch or a pill.
For those women taking estrogen but they have not undergone hysterectomy procedure then it will be necessary to also take progesterone. This is in order to help in bringing down their risk to uterine cancer. Progestin is available as a vaginal cream, skin patch or a pill. For those in the initial phases of menopause then it is recommended for the therapy to be administered in a cyclic manner. Estrogen is taken for twenty five days with progestin been added between ten to fourteen days. They are taken together for the next twenty five days. None is taken for a period of three to five days. Monthly bleeding may happen with this cyclic type of treatment.
Decision on whether or not to go ahead with this treatment rests on the patient and their care provider. The service provider must bear in mind the unique nature of each and every woman and take a thorough medical history from them before going ahead with prescribing the treatment. For beginners a short term usage usually not exceeding five years at low dosage for treatment of the symptoms is generally accepted as safe.
Blood clots happen more to those patients on this treatment and also taking contraception pills and also are smokers. One can however reduce the risk of getting the clots by usage of a transdermal estrogen patch instead of the other forms the treatment is available in.
Most women are treated with estrogen. Some have their uterus in place. They are supposed to add progesterone to their prescription to lower the risks of having endometrial cancer. They are also packaged in different forms in market like pills, patches, injections and the vaginal creams. The treatment is supposed to be in cycles. Estrogen is taken daily for a period of twenty five days. Progesterone is added during the tenth to the fourteenth days. For the remainder days, estrogen is taken. The remaining days are free days without treatment.
It is the duty of the patient in collaboration of with the doctor to establish whether this remedy is good for the client. The doctor should put into consideration the uniqueness of each woman and their full medical history before going ahead to prescribe this treatment. Short term usage of the remedy at low doses is deemed safe for the patient.
The medical practitioners have known for a long period that estrogen increases risk of getting blood clots. The risk increases when you have been prescribed to take higher doses of estrogen. The smokers have increased risk. It is not higher for clients who make use of estrogen patches.
Hormonal treatment involves use of just one or more of the hormones found in females commonly progestin, estrogen and sometimes even testosterone in treatment of signs and symptoms experience due to menopause stage in life. These include decreased desire for sex, sleep disorders, mood swings, vaginal dryness and hot flashes. The remedy is in forms of a ring, tablet, vaginal cream, injection, patch or a pill.
For those women taking estrogen but they have not undergone hysterectomy procedure then it will be necessary to also take progesterone. This is in order to help in bringing down their risk to uterine cancer. Progestin is available as a vaginal cream, skin patch or a pill. For those in the initial phases of menopause then it is recommended for the therapy to be administered in a cyclic manner. Estrogen is taken for twenty five days with progestin been added between ten to fourteen days. They are taken together for the next twenty five days. None is taken for a period of three to five days. Monthly bleeding may happen with this cyclic type of treatment.
Decision on whether or not to go ahead with this treatment rests on the patient and their care provider. The service provider must bear in mind the unique nature of each and every woman and take a thorough medical history from them before going ahead with prescribing the treatment. For beginners a short term usage usually not exceeding five years at low dosage for treatment of the symptoms is generally accepted as safe.
Blood clots happen more to those patients on this treatment and also taking contraception pills and also are smokers. One can however reduce the risk of getting the clots by usage of a transdermal estrogen patch instead of the other forms the treatment is available in.
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