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Find Out More About Spinal Decompression With A Reputable Chiropractor In Dallas GA

By Eve Briner

Powerful painkillers are often prescribed to people who visit with traditional doctors for spinal decompression. Pills like these can cause addiction, they may have side effects, and they aren't always effective. Moreover, they aren't the best way of resolving this problem over the long term. Surgery can be suggested by doctors that entails shaving a portion of the disc off so that there is sufficient room for accommodating the inner materials, and this is a very painful solution. Chiropractic therapies, however, are capable of resolving this issues natural so that there is no need for potentially addicting medications or invasive surgical procedures.

Similar to traction, spinal decompression is used to mitigate conditions affecting the neck and lower back that cause bulging, herniated, or degenerated discs. Affected discs eventually become compressed. When this happens, the material that is located between them extends outward, invading the space occupied by nearby nerves. These nerves are highly sensitive. And as they become increasingly crowded, the patient experiences considerable pain.

The benefits of spinal decompression are twofold. First, negative pressure is applied to discs which retracts, or repositions, the affected material. Second, decompression therapy lowers pressure within discs, causing an inpouring of nutrients and other beneficial substances, improving spinal health.

There are some variations in how the procedure is administered. To address compressed discs, patients lie on a motorized table. A harness is placed on their hips and attached to the lower part of the table which moves back and forth in a controlled manner to stretch and relax the spine.

This table remains fixed at the upper portion. Depending upon the chiropractic equipment being used in this therapy, the patient can life face down or face up. You should not feel discomfort throughout or after spinal decompression.

Even though some people with sciatica have been able to benefit from this procedure, it is definitely not for everyone. People who are pregnant, have artificial discs, have had their spines fused, suffered from broken vertebrae, or have failed back surgery in their past, should not have decompression performed. Talking with a trusted chiropractor in your area will help you decide if this treat is good for you.

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